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A National Holiday Of Remembrance

Memorial Day: Honoring the Fallen, Remembering the Sacrifice

A National Holiday of Remembrance

Memorial Day, observed annually on the last Monday of May, is a day set aside to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It was declared a national holiday by Congress in 1971, and its origins can be traced back to the Civil War era.

The Busy Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is among the busiest for many Americans. People take advantage of the long weekend to spend time with family and friends, attend parades, and visit cemeteries to pay their respects to fallen soldiers.

Honoring All Veterans

While Memorial Day specifically honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, it is important to remember that Veterans Day, observed on November 11, honors all who have served in the United States Armed Forces, regardless of whether they were killed in action.


