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Early Life And Call To Prophecy

The Life and Legacy of Muhammad, the Founder of Islam

Early Life and Call to Prophecy

Muhammad was born in Mecca around 570 CE. As a young man, he worked as a merchant and was known for his honesty and integrity. At the age of 40, he received a revelation from God through the angel Gabriel, calling him to be a prophet and to spread the message of Islam.

Mecca and Medina

Muhammad's teachings faced resistance in Mecca, where he was seen as a threat to the traditional beliefs and practices. He and his followers were persecuted, and in 622 CE, they emigrated to the city of Medina. In Medina, Muhammad established a community based on the principles of Islam and became both its political and spiritual leader.

The Spread of Islam

Under Muhammad's leadership, Islam spread rapidly throughout the Arabian Peninsula. He defeated his opponents in a series of battles and united the region under the banner of Islam. After his death in 632 CE, his successors continued to expand the Islamic empire, which eventually stretched from Spain to India.


Muhammad's life and legacy have had a profound impact on the world. As the founder of Islam, he established a faith that has shaped the lives of millions of people and continues to inspire and guide Muslims around the globe. His teachings have influenced not only religion but also politics, culture, and society, leaving an enduring mark on history. Today, Muhammad remains an icon whose name and message continue to resonate with people of all backgrounds.
